I have been playing around with custom dropped caps. New technology of the web makes it easy to incorporate custom made fonts, even just for the first letters of a caption. I have succeeded creating a font face (even though it just consists of two letters) and using it in my web design. However, I am not quite convinced by the seriousness of such design, just yet.
@font-face Revolution
The CSS3 property
presents so many new possibilities that a veritable gold-digging mentality is taking hold of Web designers. There’s hope that regular system fonts will soon be abolished by Web font embedding, which enables us to choose practically any typeface and font style they want — just like in print design.With regard to typography, the Web is way behind print. Take headlines: in print, condensed typefaces come in handy because they allow more words to fit on one line. System font collections, however, usually have no condensed fonts. Also, companies cannot use their proprietary fonts on their own websites. Instead, they have to replace them with standard fonts, such as Arial, which makes establishing a consistent corporate identity across all media impossible.
Hermann (2011)